Circadian Rhythm for Animal Welfare

An epidemic of metabolic and chronic illnesses affects millions of pets and domestic animals. Pio is an app that seeks to prevent metabolic disease in animals by respecting their circadian rhythms. Through circadian timing, owners can restore metabolic vitality in their animals. At its heart, Pio is about proactive animal wellness. In a unique fusion, it combines circadian therapeutics, cellular metabolism, and design.

Schrödinger’s Paradox: The Devil Rolling Dice

Born from World War I’s aluminum shortage, kibble became a household staple, but its heritage has grown into a billion dollar paradox. Americans spend $75 billion on pets annually, yet dog lifespans have dropped 25%, with pet foods averaging 50% starch per bag.

The century-old practice now stand at the crossroads of convenience and consequence, with customers demanding accountability and innovation.

How Can We Design for Animal Welfare—Prioritizing Health Without Raising the Price Tag?

How Can We Design for Animal Welfare—Prioritizing Health Without Raising the Price Tag?

Research & Process

Creating low barriers to entry for optimal health.

We are humbled you’ve chosen Pio to be your helper in pet wellness.

We believe in thriving with optimal health for beloved furry family.

Welcome to Pio!

Discovery of autophagy’s activation through food restriction by Yoshinori Ohsumi recieved Nobel Prize in 2016.

Autophagy is a super repair mode that body goes into, used in cancer treatments and prevention.

Fasting for Autophagy

Extreme situations are unlikely, but safe guards are put in place for pups with medical conditions.

Designing for Error

Circadian Feeding and Customized Fasting

Enjoy optimal health daily and weekly. Choose from Circadian, Gentle, Maintenance, or Personalized modes to meet unique needs.